• 10 Things I Hate About Cold Weather

    Warming up the car

    My husband always reminds me to do this when it’s cold outside. Is it really that necessary? I’m too scared to find out, so I just do it. Every morning, I trudge out to the car in the freezing cold and start the car. It takes about 10 minutes out of my schedule which really isn’t that much time. But I could be inside having coffee with my fuzzy socks on instead of wrapped in a blanket stomping through the cold. It’s such a pain.

    Wearing a coat

    I’ve never been a fan of coats. As a child, I often refused to wear one and would leave them all sorts of places. My parents and grandparents spent more money and energy than they probably should have searching for coats that would keep me warm, but weren’t too bulky. That’s what I hate about winter coats. They are so bulky! I feel like a giant snowman….sort of like the kid in A Christmas Story after his mom dresses him up in his “snow suit.” I’d much rather be in a t-shirt and flip flops.

    The Gas Bill

    Since becoming an adult, I’ve had to face another unpleasant cold weather reality: the gas bill. I hate to be cold, so I definitely make use of the heat during the winter months. We have gas heat and a fabulous gas fireplace. This month we have used the fire place almost every day. It makes the house so toasty and nice! What isn’t nice is the gas bill we get at the end of the month. In the summer, it’s $5.00. It’s so low we make jokes about it. When the bill for November comes, the jokes stop. If it weren’t for the cold, I’d have extra money for a pedicure or a new Keurig. 

    Missing Gloves

    Gloves are a must when it’s this cold outside. I have a drawer full of mismatched gloves. Who knows where the others are. Maybe the dryer eats them with the socks. All I know is that I find it impossible to keep up with those things. I’m starting a new trend, mismatched gloves! Don’t I look fabulous with one pink glove and one blue? 

    Cold Nose

    So once I finally give in to the cold and layer myself in thermal underclothes, sweaters, a hat, scarf, and gloves I’m pretty warm. I have enough static electricity to power a small lamp, but I’m not cold. Except for my nose. Have you noticed that none of these stylish winter clothes protect your nose? When my nose gets cold, it turns red and then my husband starts making jokes about Rudolph. The only winter item that protects your nose is a ski mask. I’m a school teacher. Try wearing one of those into the building. 

    The Coat vs. The Car seat

    Since having children, I have discovered another cold weather dilemma I despise. Have you ever tried to put a toddler in a car seat in January? You carry them to the car in this huge fluffy coat. Then, you have to take the coat off of them with one hand and try to get them into the car seat lightning fast so they won’t catch the flu or some other super bug. Then you try to wrap the fluffy coat around them while they complain about it because the car is still pretty cold. It’s a nightmare. 

    Being Stuck Inside

    It’s not that I’m a big lover of the outdoors, but I don’t like being stuck in my own house for days on end. When snow hits in the South, you get stuck in your house because we don’t have the equipment to clear the roads. I’m really grumpy after a little more than a day shut up in my house. I suddenly start to notice every speck of dirt and every unorganized scrap all over the whole house. I go into cleaning overdrive, then I yell at the kids for making a mess, then I yell at my husband for not helping enough, then I dramatically give up and sit on the couch stewing over the rug that needs vacuuming. 

    Snow Sludge in the House

    It’s not just that I’m imagining the house is dirtier than usual, it really is! Between the dogs running inside with wet dirt on their paws, the kids tracking in melted snow, and the husband who doesn’t want to take his boots off by the door…. Our poor carpets take a beating when it’s cold outside!

    Dressing in Layers

    Sometimes the bulky coat isn’t enough and I have to dress in layers. I spend a good hour obsessively trying to match all the different layers of clothing I’m going to have to put on so that I don’t look like a bag lady when I leave the house. Who’s got time for that? I don’t, but I do it anyway. After all, I might see someone I know. Oh and there’s the trouble with trying to breastfeed when you’re wearing all those layers. Ever tried to wrestle your boob out of your bra from underneath four tops with a screaming infant in your lap? It’s loads of fun, trust me.

    Walking the Dog

    The last thing I can’t stand having to do when it’s cold outside is walk the dogs. Bless their hearts; I know they need the exercise. I know they look forward to a walk and I usually do too, but not when it’s 8 degrees outside and my boxer is alternating between barking at everything and spending a good ten minutes trying to choose which bush to pee on. Just pee already so we can go inside! It’s freezing out here!

    Is the cold weather making you crazy yet? Clearly, I’m losing my sanity the longer it takes to get above freezing. What about you? How are you coping?

    Written by: Sara Parise

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