• Can We Stop Fighting The Mommy Wars Please???


    1. United, Not Divided

    We’re all moms and we’re all women. Generations of women have fought for the rights and the recognition that we take for granted today.  Women are still fighting the unrealistic images of women in society that are poisoning our young girls on a daily basis. While that’s happening, we are arguing over whether it’s better to carry your baby in a sling or a stroller as if it were a life or death matter. It is not life or death.

    Stop letting this petty crap come between us! We need each other. We need to encourage each other as we do our best to mother our children in the best way we know how. It is completely silly for us to allow ourselves to be driven apart and used to tear other mothers down rather than building them up.

    1. It’s Okay to Be Different

    This isn’t high school. You don’t have to be just like everyone else. There is a whole spectrum of choices and you can choose whichever will work best for your family. You see, you are different and so am I. Our children are different, and they need different things. It doesn’t make any sense for one method to work best for all of us, because we aren’t all the same. Stop trying to force other people to make the same choices as you by making them feel bad. Stop worrying about the choices you make, because someone might not agree with you.  It’s really okay to be different, be yourself, be the mom you want to be.

    1. Don’t Take It So Personally

    I really cannot wrap my brain around why it seems to upset some people so much if I don’t make the same choices as them when it comes to mothering. Just because I choose to parent differently doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with the way you are parenting. Just because I choose a path that is different, doesn’t mean I’m trying to say anything negative about the path you chose.  Trust your intuition, be yourself, and own those choices. Don’t take it personally if I parent differently. We don’t have to agree with each other to be kind to one another.

    Maybe if we can all, myself included, follow these three principles, we can learn to work together. Maybe we can give each other the encouragement we so desperately need sometimes on this difficult journey called motherhood. Can we at least try?

    Written by: Sara Parise

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