• Don’t Judge Me For My Mommy Faults

    1. Feeding my kid junk. When I decided to give my son a fruit roll up this morning instead of actual fruit, I knew it was a bad choice. I had already read the ingredients and I know it contains the dreaded Red 40 AND Yellow 5. I gave it to him anyway. Didn’t even care that there were fresh organic blackberries in the fridge. I just gave him the chemically laden junk food. 

    2. Not giving him a bath every night. Don’t tell my mom I’m skipping this one. She thinks it’s a necessary part of the bedtime routine. I don’t always have time. Yes, I did just say that. Life gets busy and he really can’t be that dirty right? That’s what I’m telling myself anyway.

    3. Letting him watch three episodes of Peppa Pig back to back last weekend.  I’m not a TV person myself, and I know it’s completely unhealthy for him. I usually try to limit TV time. I am guilty of judging other moms who let their kids watch tons of TV…. But sometimes…. I do it. Sometimes I let the TV babysit so I can wash my hair for the first time in days or do dishes… and sometimes just so I can sit on my butt for 30 minutes.

    4. Telling him that the boobs went “night night” because I just can’t breastfeed again right now. I love breastfeeding. I’m a big supporter. Sometimes I just want a break though. Sometimes I just want to hold him without him reaching down my shirt for the millionth time. I’m not ready to wean cold turkey, although we are headed in that direction. I just need a break sometimes. 

    5. He’s two and he isn’t potty trained. I know that’s perfectly normal. It’s just that so many other moms seem to have this one mastered. I’m totally failing. I can’t get my kid to go on the potty with regularity no matter how many candies I give him. That whole bit about not wanting to wet their underwear? Lies. He could care less if he pees all over his Mickey Mouse underpants. So what? I just surrendered. He has to figure it out before college right? I mean everyone uses the potty eventually. Right? Please say that’s right.

    6. I’ve given up on stopping him from eating stuff off the floor at home.  If we are at the mall, I still dive across the floor in an attempt to stop him from ingesting a random chip he has discovered. At home, I just shrug my shoulders and pray God blesses the food he’s going to eat. At least I hope that’s food. 

    So here I am asking you not to judge me because I’m judging myself all the time. I’m kicking myself and questioning my choices and feeling like a mommy failure all the time. Here’s the thing: deep down I know I’m a pretty good mom. I’m not trying to brag, but my kid is happy, healthy, has everything he needs, and a lot of what he wants. He’s amazing, so I must be doing something right. 

    If I’m judging myself like this, I can’t be the only one. More than I want you to stop judging me, I want you to stop judging yourself. Look at that amazing kid you have. That’s due at least in part to you! Let’s make a deal, I will try to stop judging myself, if you do the same.  Let’s take a minute to give ourselves some credit. This mom thing is super hard and most of the time, we are totally rocking it! Cut yourself some slack. You got this Mom.

    Written by: Sara Parise

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