• State Testing – Friend or Foe

    Type in “Common Core” into any search engine and you will get hundreds upon hundreds of pages of information explaining the process or hate mail directed at Common Core.  And it is not just parents who are up-in-arms against these tests, it’s also the teachers.  Teachers are the ones who bear the brunt of parents’ wrath when testing time comes.  

    One of the most common (see what I did there) complaints surrounding Common Core is the time it takes from students’ actual learning.  Students have to endure 3 weeks of testing in March and another 3 weeks of testing in May. And that is just the actual test taking part of it.  There is another week of makeup testing immediately following the 3-week periods, and grueling test prep prior to PARCC to allegedly help students prepare for this nightmare.  Plus, educators have to be trained to administer these standardized torture examinations. 

    Not to mention if you live in a state that, along with 75% of the United States, had to delay school or cancel school due to the weather.  It is winter, after all.  Snow does fall.  Here in Ohio, it seems that our students have been home more than they’ve been in school in February and the beginning of March. 

    Here is a breakdown of the Common Core. Find it on the NEXT PAGE:

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