• 10 Most Important Tips When Hosting A Dinner Party

    With these 10 tips alone, you can host the PERFECT DINNER PARTY!!! Break out that fine china and fancy glasses and get ready to impress the socks out of your guest!

    1. Create a Playlist

    “Create a music playlist that's ready to begin as soon as the doorbell rings and doesn't end until the last guest departs.” “If you don't have time to create your own playlist, log on to Pandora.com”

    2.   Loosen Up

    “Have a stiff drink before anyone arrives. If you are having fun, everyone will have fun.”

    3.   Don't Recipe Search on Party Day

    “Don't try a new recipe at a party.” Always try out the recipe first before serving it on party day.

    4.   Make Clean-Up Simpler

    “Always start with an empty dishwasher.”

    5.   Prep Ahead

    “Get everything ready the day before.”

    6.   Have Drinks Ready

    “Have beverages visible from the moment guests step in the door.”

    7.   Write Yourself Notes

    “Buy a pad of sticky notes and write everything down that you need to do. Stick them all around the kitchen. When you finish a task, take down that note.”

    8.   Serve Food at Proper Temperatures

    “Warm plates before serving hot food on them.”

    9.   Serve Appetizers Family-Style

    “Serve the first course family-style by placing platters on the table for everyone to share. It gives you time to work on your next course.”

    10. Host an Intimate Dinner

    “The perfect number for a dinner party is six to eight. You want festive conversation, but not so many people that the conversations are always split up.”


    Thank you to House Beautiful.com for putting together this great list for the perfect Dinner Party! To see their original article, click here: 101 Party Do's & Don'ts

    Image Source: Scott Brenner

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