It Takes All Types of Families
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When I started dating my boyfriend, it was a learning experience. My boyfriend has 4 children, ranging in ages from 8 to 15 (2 girls/2 boys); a different family dynamic entirely. It was overwhelming at first to witness the scheduling and coordinating it takes to keep his house running vs. keeping mine running. In my household, there is just my daughter and me (unless you include the pets) and it has basically been that way since she was born. I was married, briefly, so for the most part it has been two of us. Not to say that we’re not a family, mind you. Families come in all sizes.
With divorce statistics increasing since the 1950’s, the family unit has changed drastically. For census purposes, these definitions are clear cut, in practice much less so. I am going to put families into 6 basic categories. Can you guess all 6?
Fine the answers on the next page:
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