• 4 Ways To Improve Your Husband’s Self-Esteem


    These 4 tips will help boost your hubby's ego, but also it will help keep your marriage happy and exciting! He'll feel better as a dad, as a husband, and as a man! And he'll love you for it!

    1. Pinch his butt:  Again, the power is in the subtlety. When you flirt with your man it reminds him that you think “he still has it.” Because men, generally speaking, are physical beings by showing that you still find him attractive it boosts his self-esteem and increases his emotional connection with you.

    2. Thank him for his dedication to the family:  While we can always do things better, when we are acknowledged for effort, and not just the outcome, it shows that you appreciate the stuff that went into making things happen. To turbo charge your influence with this tip, tie his efforts to how it positively impacts the family.

    By doing this your man will feel even more motivated to increase his consistency and up his game.

    3. Lob him a softball (ask his advice on something- make him feel like a hero): A super simple way to do this is to ask him a question about something he knows a lot about. When you do this and connect it directly to a problem you want solved, your man will feel appreciated and validated for the little things he brings to the relationship.

    4. Initiate Sex More Often:  Ladies, this is a big one. No one likes to feel rejected. When your husband starts hinting that he’d like some “play time” with you please remember that for most men there was a lot of emotional ramping up before hand just to approach you. Even if you’ve been married to your husband for 30 years, please realize that he probably still must overcome the fear of rejection whenever he asks you the big question.

    To offset this simple fact, initiate 1 out of every 4 or 5 times.

    Guess what? He will always be amazed and it will never get old. When you take the initiative in this area from time to time, not only does it subtly reinforce in his mind what he means to you, studies show his confidence in other areas of life instantly increase as well.

    Thank you Happy Wives Club for writing this article! To see 3 more tips to Empower Your Husband go here



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