• “What to Pack” In Your Labor Bag

    1. Your camera – Do not – and I repeat – do not forget your camera. You will regret it for the rest of your life. Those first few days? You’ll never want to forget them. That adorable sleeping baby? Capture it while you can. 

    2. Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash – I’m sure you’ve heard that the first shower you take right after giving birth is epic, right? Agreed, but if you’re using the hospital-issued junk, not so much. Makeup? Maybe you’re more ambitious than I was, but I never bothered with it. 

    3. Outfits for you and the baby to wear home – I never bothered to get dressed until the afternoon we were discharged. Ditto with the baby – he stayed swaddled in his little white onesie and pink and blue striped blanket. 

    4. Technology of some kind – Newborn babies sleep – a lot. I spent a completely ridiculous amount of time online because when you’re stuck in a hospital room with a sleeping baby, there really isn’t much else you can do. Don’t forget the chargers or you’ll be in trouble. You might even want to consider making yourself a playlist on YouTube. You’re going to need it. 

    5. The car seat – this is your ticket home. You won’t be leaving without it. You better have it and you better have at least a clue how to use it. I made a point of putting the instruction manual in the diaper bag, just in case. To this day, it’s still there. 

    I’m sure you’re wondering how exactly I managed to survive those 48 hours with only those few things… That was the easy part. We ordered a lot of pizza. I’m sure Domino’s has a special place in their hearts for postpartum women. Let’s be realistic, though – how much are you going to actually feel like doing in the first few days after giving birth? I can’t imagine much. I literally spent that time doing nothing except taking care of the baby, eating, sleeping, and listening to music. 

    What was on your “what to pack” list? Did you over-pack or under-pack? Was there a significant difference between what you packed and what you actually used? Leave a comment and share what you couldn’t have survived without. 

    Written by: Cristi Wuenschel

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