• 3 Ways To Beautify Yourself While You Make Dinner!

    First, I’ll get everything started. Chop up some veggies, get the rice or pasta going, preheat the oven, ect. Then I whip up my face mask. If my face is feeling “saggy” or tired, I separate out an egg white, whisk it up, and then put it on my face to dry. If my face is feeling dry or dull, I mix together some yogurt and lemon juice, and slather that on. (Don’t throw away the lemon!)

    *If you have time and need some hair therapy, whip up the egg yolk and slather your ends in it, or do the same with the yogurt. 

    While you are getting dinner going, make good use of that lemon! Rub it all over your nails to brighten them up. Sprinkle a bit of baking soda on it and rub on your teeth for some whitening action. 

    Once your face mask has started to dry and you are waiting for things to cook, you have some time to do a few token yoga poses. Even if you’re not into yoga, there are definitely poses you can do that restore the glow to your face. Focus on poses that bring the face downward, so that blood flows into the face faster, bringing with it oxygen and other helpful nutrients that fight free radicals, encourage skin cell renewal, and give the visage a rosy glow. 

    Forward fold, downward dog, seated twist, and chair pose are some of the best poses for restoring that youthful glow. 

    When dinner is ready, wash your face and slather on some coconut oil or your favorite moisturizer, and then sit down with the family to dine. It will be a great feeling to finish up and go about the rest  of your evening feeling beautiful and refreshed. 

    Written by: Norma Shea

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