• 8 Simple Tips To Tackle Your To-Do List

    I love learning more great tips to help with organization and getting things done. Kali, from TheLaundryMoms, put together this great list  of 8 simple tips to get tasks done on your to-do list. Here's her first 3 tips:

    1. Empty my head.

    When the many tasks start swimming, I find it really helps me to create a big list of all that is on my mind. This is best if it’s in no particular order, as the goal is to just get them down on paper. Prioritizing can come later- just getting it down is the first step!

    2. Pick 3 for each day.

    I have always loved the mantra “do the next thing.” Sometimes it’s doing what is right in front of you, and at other times it takes a little decision-making to consider the priorities. I try to choose three tasks every day that will keep me moving forward in a certain direction, especially if they are jobs that I don’t like to do and tend to put off. I don’t move on until the first one is done- and if it takes more than one day, so be it!

    3. Keep it Simple. I can easily get overwhelmed, and tempted to procrastinate if I try to do something perfectly, or to the best of my ideals. A deep breath, stepping back, and asking myself, “What is the simplest way I can do this task?” helps me to keep perspective of what needs to be accomplished. With a time limit and a goal of getting it done (looking for results rather than perfection) I am much more satisfied with what I can achieve, knowing it was done within the realities of my available time without sacrificing other priorities.

    Click the link below for 5 more tips from TheLaundryMoms:

    8 Simple Tips To Tackle Your To-Do List

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