• Domestic Violence & Young Girls


    I have advocated against domestic violence for a number of years. When I attended college, I volunteered for an organization, CaseWatch.  Volunteers, like myself, sat in the courtroom during domestic violence hearings and rated the attorneys and the judges on a variety of different criteria, including rulings by the judges. We reported back to CaseWatch, with a summary of the cases we were witness to, and a grade for the judge.  

    I have educated myself about domestic violence. I have educated my daughter, ensuring, hopefully, that she will never fall into that trap.  It is our jobs as mothers to address this with our daughters (and sons) much like we teach them manners and sharing.  I myself was in an abusive marriage, although I’m hesitant to label it as such.  He never hit me, but the emotional and mental toll this 2½ year marriage took was massive.  

    I am not telling you this to gain your pity; that is not my intent.  I am telling you this because it can happen to anyone, even someone who is knowledgeable about domestic violence. I firmly believe that it is up to us, as mothers, to teach our children that any form of domestic violence is wrong and unhealthy. That anyone who is in a violent (emotionally, mentally, physically) situation needs help. 

    These are all reasons I was appalled when I read about an 18-year old girl, Romina Garcia.  You probably haven’t heard about this young lady, I hadn’t until today. She has quite a following on Facebook (about 150,000 followers). She posted a video late last year, a very disturbing video. In it, she claims that if your boyfriend or significant other hits you, lays hands on you or beats you, it is because he truly loves you enough to do so. 

    I decided to delve deeper. Apparently, she was recently on Dr. Phil, where she touted her beliefs. Dr. Phil, of course, took offense to her views, as any sane person would. I am not a fan of Dr. Phil, by any stretch of the imagination, but in this, I agree 100%.  I checked out her Facebook page where the comments were varied.  She is so proud of herself for attracting the attention that she has. “Omg, I’m looking at myself on TV”.  Quite a few of her “friends” congratulated her, including her sister.  

    I can only imagine the home life this girl grew up in.  That she would sell her soul so cheaply is disheartening to me. That she actually believes what she is saying……..it breaks my heart. She needs help and I hope the people from Dr. Phil’s show provide her with the help she so desperately needs.  I just hope my own daughter never feels the same way.

    Written by: Allyson Johns

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