Is It The Girl Scouts Or The Mob?
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High Numbers. Today, there are over 2 million girls and approximately 800,000 troop leaders in the world (yes, the world). Over 55 million girls, now women, have benefitted from being a part of a troop while growing up. Being part of a sisterhood like no other. I had brothers, so being accepted by “sisters” was huge for me.
Milestones. Each milestone is celebrated. From the Daisy troops, to the Brownies. From Juniors to Cadettes, Senior and Ambassadors. Every time a girl climbs another ring on the Girl Scout ladder it is documented and ceremonialized (okay, so I made up a new word). And earning their badges raises self-esteem in so many ways. Only someone familiar with the Scouts will understand “bridging”.
Leveling up. Daisy Troops: Kindergarten through 1st graders; Brownies: 2nd thru 3rd grade; Juniors: 4th and 5th grade; Cadettes: 6th, 7th and 8th grade; Seniors: 9th and 10th grade; and Ambassadors: 11th and 12th grade and beyond.
Own lingo. Who could forget “dunk bags” (mesh bags used to wash and sterilize utensils), “fly up ceremony” (when a Brownie earns her “wings” and becomes a Junior) or “friendship circles” (the girls form a circle, crossing their right hands over their left before clasping the hands of the girls next to them)?
This organization not only can raise your daughter’s self-esteem, but give her lifelong friends.
Written by: Allyson Johns
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