• Love And Relationships – How They REALLY Are


    Thank you to Elite Daily for pointing out the difference here between our childhood fantasies of what a relationship should be versus what it really is like to be in love with your partner and have an amazing healthy relationship.

    Expectation: You should look for an epic love story

    I’m talking like Noah and Allie, Jack and Rose, Buffy and Angel, etc. You get the idea; the more tragic and painful, the better because in the end, it will work out, and you’ll have one hell of a story to tell your grandkids.

    Reality: You should build something healthy

    Love isn’t something that’s found, it’s created. Hey, your love story may be the stuff of legends, and if it is, that’s really great. It’s okay if it’s not, though. You do not need pain in order to have passion.

    The two do not go hand in hand. A lot of epic love stories are actually unhealthy. People may confuse “stable and consistent” with “safe and boring,” but that doesn’t have to be the case. Those “epic” love stories aren’t the only passionate loves. Your relationship is what you make it.

    Expectation: It will make you happy

    There’s just something missing from your life, you know? You don’t feel whole or complete; you’re bored easily and just don’t quite feel fulfilled. Finding someone to love and who loves you back will definitely fix that.

    Reality: Relationships are for you to share your happiness

    The only lasting happiness that exists is the kind that comes from within yourself. Whether it’s simple inner peace or doing things you love, it is your decision. Being happy on your own grants you the ability to make the healthiest decisions for yourself.

    You choose to be with someone else because you want to, not because you feel you need to. Your partner cannot be your happiness. Relying on another person to fulfill you will lead to an unhealthy level of dependency. It’s also an unfair position to put the other person in, and can lead to resentment or unhappiness.


    To read more of her 7 romantic myths debunked, click here:

    Love And Relationships – How They REALLY Are 



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