• Taking care of our “lady bits”

    Still with me?  Good.  

    Starting last summer, I decided to try full-on Brazilian.  Now, I know what you’re thinking – “You have got to be kidding me!  Didn’t that hurt?”   And yeah, it did.  The benefits are numerous – but I’ll let you find that out yourself.  Not going to get THAT personal.   My mom reads my articles, for God’s sakes.  Like I said, it’s a personal preference.   

    Seems summer is a long way off, but soon we will be looking for ways to take care of “down there”:

    Trimming.  Whether it’s just maintenance or “just around the edges”, some women are only comfortable with a pair of scissors getting anywhere near their lady bits.  Still others utilize a beard trimmer – it keeps the areas you’re trimming much more even than scissor-cutting it.  This is probably the easiest option for bush-whacking. 

    Shaving.  This is probably going to mortify my daughter, but she is an aficionado of the clean shave.  Younger women prefer this method – it’s relatively cheap, and you don’t have to have an appointment.  In fact, over 20% of women 18 and older shave at least part of their hair off.  One tip is to shave in the direction that your hair grows.  To me, this is incredibly difficult as my hair grows in so many different directions and it seems to take forever to get a close shave, much less getting rid of it all.  Upside?  You can shave in shapes or patterns.   Playboy bunny, anyone?

    Waxing. Ah, here we go.  The first time is definitely the scariest, but once the esthetician gets all up in your business, it really isn’t that bad as you thought it was going to be.  One suggestion – invest in an ice pack for the 1st evening after getting waxed.   And the waxing is nothing compared to the fine tuning the waxer does with tweezers.  Some women are even brave enough to do this at home, but as I always say, some things are best left to the professionals.  Period.  I wouldn’t perform surgery on myself or work on my car, so why would I at-home wax?  I don’t even do my own eyebrows………

    And don’t worry about what you look like down there, or embarrassed by your nether regions. Estheticians have seen it ALL.  And I mean ALL.  Modesty needs to be left at the door.  

    Whichever method you choose should be the one that makes you the most comfortable, but sometimes it’s fun to get out of your comfort zone. 🙂

    Written by: Allyson Johns

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