• Amazing Around-The-House Problem Solving Tips

    I've always wanted to be one of those people who could reuse almost anything they found laying around the house and put it to good use solving a particular problem or by just making things look better and more organized. I have to admit, I haven't been very successful at this endeavor… until now, that is! I have discovered the below simple SIMPLE little tricks to reuse ordinary household items to do some pretty cool things.

     1. Use an old squeezable Ketchup bottle as a pancake mix pourer. Gives you flexibility to make shapes you want and keeps your portion sizes in check. Love this idea!

    2. Use a binder clip as a sponge holder so it will air out rather than getting slimy and moldy.

    3. Tired of using the wrong key? Take some nail polish and color coat the key according to the door, room or car it opens! Plus, who wouldn’t want to have pretty colored keys on their key chain? Such a simple idea that really eliminates frustration!

    4. Use a tension rod under your sink to hang all your spray bottles and save room. Such a clever way to organize that pesky, clutter prone storage space.

    5. Turn your old bread clips into the perfect cord sized labels! Use these behind the TV and computer stations if you have a mess of cords like me. Not only will they tell you what plugs where, but they will also create some space and reduce tangle.

    6. Cut a small slit into an old toilet paper roll and clasp it around a used wrapping paper roll. The toilet roll will snap into action and keep the wrapping paper in place! Genius, right?

    Source: Brooke Griffin
    Image Source: Kevin Dooley


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