• Why Are We Constantly Tired As Mothers



    Take away the very valid reason of actual lack of sleep, and you still wind up with these two very good reasons why you might feel tired at the end of the day. Being a mom IS exhausting. You may not be running a marathon, but the mental work-out that gets put on takes its toll pretty quick. Here are two things you should consider…


    Fight-or-flight occurs when someone perceives a threat of danger and experiences physiological symptoms that will help them to fight or flee. Anxiety and worry are basically heightened states of awareness. If you are anxious, then it’s almost as if your body is in a low-level state of fight-or-flight. So, how does this concern us? Well, by the time our children are mobile, and perhaps before, they begin to explore their environments. Things that were seemingly safe, like a chair, suddenly become opportunity for big falls. Functional things like toilet cleaners or food processors become objects of potential disaster.

    Even after a house is “child-proofed” there will still be many times when your young ones will attempt something (even if they only attempt it once) that is dangerous to them. Since they don’t register this danger, we do. It’s How Mothers Save Lives. Therefore, even when we are sleeping we are aware. One child is out of sight and quiet. Oh. No. Jimbo is halfway up the bookshelf and attempting a Batman-about-to-fly pose. Daisy Mae is trying to lock her 1-year-old brother in the dark pantry. When we are in charge of little ones we are constantly in high awareness. Physiologically, this is exhausting.

    Less time to yourself

     Spending all day focusing on other people is just very tiring. It is a privilege to be a mother and a joy to sacrifice, but the effects do accumulate. From sun up to sun down you are directly focused on others. Up until motherhood you’ve likely had much of the day to yourself. Even in a 9 to 5, while working, you can go to the bathroom alone. Get a coffee or diet coke when you so desire. Phone calls can be made without worrying that a sudden screech or disconnection will occur. Commutes to and from work offer time to process, read a book or relax.

    The commute from your bed to the kitchen table is slightly too short to be of good use. Even with well-behaved children and a good routine (both of which I maintain and greatly encourage) you are still focused on the kids. That is your job. It is good and right, but dadgummit, it is exhausting. This is why I advocate a good routine in place for you to process.


    These two reasons come from A Mother Far From Home.com, where she explains in detail the exhausting reasons why moms feel so tired all the time. To read more, go here:

    Why Are We Constantly Tired As Mothers


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