4 Things That I Do For Me
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I just clicked open on one of my many ongoing Microsoft Word documents and it occurred to me that I had mentioned in another post about all of the personal projects that I’m working on simultaneously at any given moment. I’m quickly realizing just how difficult it’s becoming to keep up with everything since I’ve had my son. I’m determined, though, to make it happen. I’m sure you’re wondering what exactly I do that I’m so adamant about continuing, right?
I write – I keep a journal. It’s nothing like the diary I kept when I was a teenager. Lol… I’ve been doing this since 2003, so well over a decade, and it’s usually just a quick recap of my days and anything that I think I may want to remember later. I used to write a page a day, but I’ve scaled it back some since I had my son. The important thing to me is that I’m writing and that I’m recording my thoughts and feelings.
I blog – My blog is an entirely separate project. My blog mostly consists of pictures of creative, DIY, and remodeling projects. I also wrote a number of posts documenting my pregnancy. These days, I’m posting updates about our sunroom project on a weekly basis. I’ve been blogging consistently since 2011. My blog posts are public, so I’m a bit more careful about what I post – more for privacy reasons, though, that anything else.
I document – I’ve had some sort of scrapbooking-type project that I’ve been working on for years now. For the past three years, I’ve done Project Life. If you’re at all familiar with scrapbooking, you know what I’m talking about. For those that aren’t, it’s a means of documenting your day-to-day by putting photos in divided page protectors within an album – basically, a simplified means of scrapbooking.
I share – I created a private Facebook group where I share pictures and updates about my son with our friends and family. Of course, my intentions here are two-fold – it’s my way of sharing with those that we’re close to as well as keeping track for me. It’s quick and easy. I usually update this once or twice a week and it typically only takes a few minutes to upload pictures and type updates.
By now, I’m sure you’re probably wondering why I’m telling you all of this. It’s because we all have things that are important to us – personal projects, so to speak. Maybe, you’re a writer or an artist or a blogger. Maybe, there’s something completely different that’s important to you. Either way, the take-away message from what I’m saying is the same.
Do things for you. Do what you need to do to relax and unwind. Make time for yourself. Find a way to recharge. Don’t let anyone or anything keep you from it. For the most part, I do these kinds of things in the evening after my son is in bed or on the weekends during naptime. I, more or less, schedule it in – just like I would with any other commitment. There are times when I get behind, but I keep going because having these personal projects is important to me.
Do you have any so-called personal projects – things that you do for you? Leave me a comment and tell me about them.
Written by: Cristi Wuenschel
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