• 5 New Years Resolutions I Can Stick To

    5 New Years Resolutions I Can Stick To

    In the spirit of the coming new year I started thinking about what my resolutions will be for 2015. In the past I've always set expectations for myself that are either completely unrealistic or are completely doable…for about two months. When you're a Mom you never know what kind of craziness the year will bring. Between school functions, carpool, riding lessons and baseball my goal to stay on track with any given resolution can be completely derailed in the blink of an eye. This year I decided to once again take on those same far fetched resolutions. But this time around, I think I actually may be able to keep them!

    1. Go on a diet.

    Yes! A diet from always worrying about losing 10 pounds and how I'm going to achieve it. Instead, I will embrace me and my imperfections. If I want to make healthier choices I will, and if I eat ice cream for dinner occasionally I won't feel guilty about it!

    2. Spend less money. 

    On the kids that is! I will refrain from  buying, buying, buying for my kids and I will remember to buy myself a little something. As Moms we tend to forget that it's okay to reward ourselves. If you are anything like me, you will spend your last dollar on your kids without batting an eye. But when it comes to buying for yourself, you absolutely think twice. That can't be right!

    3. Exercise on a regular basis.

    This year I will exercise my right to say no sometimes. I will excerise my right to stay in bed all day on the weekend and not feel like “I should” be doing something more productive. I will exercise my right to be my own woman aside from Mom and Wife. I will excerise my mind and read more often. And MAYBE I will exercise at the gym too!

    4. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. 

    I will reduce my stress level by drinking more wine. I will be sure to reuse my wine glass, and I will recycle the wine bottle as soon as it's gone.

    5. Travel more often.

    I think this year I will take more trips to places like the salon and the nail shop. We all need to feel pampered now and then. I'm going to make sure I have that feel good experience a few more times in 2015.

    Have you made any New Year's Resolutions yet? Let me know in the comments below 🙂

    Wriiten By: Kelly Loya Perez

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