How’s Your New Year’s Resolutions Coming Along?
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It’s hard to believe that we’re almost through the first quarter of this year. Did you make New Year’s resolutions? How are things going for you? This is usually about the time of the year that people tend to hit the make it or break it point with things like that. Where do you stand?
So far, so good – for me, that is. I’ve learned from experience over the years what not to do. Don’t set myself up for failure. Don’t be too specific – too black and white. Give myself some flexibility.
Every year that I’ve made a list of a dozen or so things that I wanted to do with specifics relating to how many or how often, I’ve failed miserably. I remember a few years ago, I sat down and made one of those lists – I called it “Twelve New Habits for Twenty-twelve.” It was set up in a way that made absolutely no sense for me – here’s a list of things that I’m planning on doing daily, weekly, and monthly. Can you say bad idea? That approach was too rigid and really put the focus on my weaknesses instead of my strengths.
Lesson learned.
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