• Musically Stunted Generation

    Now while I can understand (maybe, but it’s a stretch) not knowing the names of the bandmates of The Doors, I find it incredibly sad that she is even asked that question.  I have always thought that music is like a shark, it has to keep moving forward to stay alive.  Not that you need to disregard the historical musical landmarks, because bands today are heavily influenced by the greats of the past.  This generation of soon-to-be high school grads/college freshmen need to be not only well-versed in World history and American history, but musical history and all it entails.  Or just music genres and their players in general – it all falls under the “pop culture” heading.

    Friends who know my musical tastes know one of two things – I am so not a fan of anything country-related or hip-hop/rap; and most of my music comes from artists who are not even remotely mainstream.  Having said that, I still can name you plenty of country artists, rap artists and their spouses and/or girlfriends/boyfriends.  I can probably also tell you who they were married to 5 years ago, and who they broke up with last week.  I know, it’s a sickness.  All this useless knowledge in my head.   It does come in handy when playing Trivia Crack!   

    I, for one, want to thank the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences in not succumbing to iHeart Radio and their water-downed version of genres, especially alternative rock.  Too many times, voters vote on what is regurgitated on constant repeat on radio stations country-wide.  And that is the only music they hear.  Spotify states that streams of Beck’s music has increased 388% since the Grammys last Sunday, and this is a good thing.  Beck’s wins at the Grammys has opened a whole new generation’s eyes as to what is out there, besides pop music.  

    We’ll hear from him again, very soon.   

    Written by: Allyson Johns

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